Let's get right into the Word. Today's message is on Isaiah 45 (NLT).
1 "This is what the Lord says to .... (insert your name here), his anointed one,
whose right hand he will empower
Before him, mighty kings will be paralysed with fear.
Their fortress gates will be opened never to shut again.
2 This is what the Lord says:
"I will go before you .... (insert your name here)
and level the mountains.
I will smash down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron
3 And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness - secret riches.
I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, the one who call you by name."
4"And why have I called you for this work?
Why did I call you by name when you did not know me?
It is for the sake of Jacob my servant,
Israel my chosen one."
First, I want to ask you to do something with me. Turn to Isaiah 45 and read the first 3 verses out loud, but where there is the name "Cyrus," replace with yours. [.....] Now we can begin.
Cyrus was a King in Israel (whose Kingdom was the largest of any empire ever know back then), whom God chose for a specific task for Israel. God was going to use Cyrus to rebuild Jerusalem (known as God's city) and to set free exiles.
You reading this right now are God's chosen one. When you gave your life to Christ, you did not chose God, He chose you. Today, as you read this, understand that when God calls you, He anoints you for the particular call that He has placed on your life. You are entering into a new season, where God's power shall overcome you - a season where He will powerfully empower, equip you in order to kickstart you into your destiny (that for which you were created). In case you may not know your destiny, Jesus shows us the place to start: "As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give." Brothers and sisters, this is the heavy task at hand. But today, God is saying "My anointed one, I have equipped you with all that you need. I have empowered you. I precede you in all things and I stand with you as you work to accomplish my will."
Pay particular attention to the words that are written in red and comprehend that the all Powerful God has not only mobilised the resources at your disposal but those that are at His. Heaven's resources are at your disposal! Understand that the Lord has already ensured that all things are perfectly aligned for you to do the work He called you to do, that you may fulfil the great commission that Jesus gave us (as cited above).
Bear with me, the punchline is coming! Wait no further for a move of God because you brothers and sisters are the move of God! Stop that "I'm waiting on God" nonsense and get moving because God is waiting on you. Stop looking around for a prophet, a disciple, an authentic and spirit-filled Christian, and become one! It is not rocket science. Jesus has sent us into the world to make disciples of the nations of this world! And today He is telling you and I to get up and start marching, start working, start preaching, begin bringing flavour and breaking fruit & begin shining as the salt and the light of the world that we are.
But do not lose sight of the reason why the Spirit of God is moving so powerfully in your life. He is anointing you - His chosen one for a specific task. You might wonder how God will use you for the sake of Israel. You might wonder: how does this apply to my life? Here when God says: "Israel my chosen one," this is how it applies to you. He is going to use you, matter of fact He has already begun using you, for the sake of the people in your life, namely family and friends. Open your eyes and see that Jesus is sitting in your boat and preaching, touching the lives of the multitudes surrounding the boat that is your life. Realise how God is already moving in your life and awake the empowerment that lies dormant within you by standing up now and serving Him.
Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying that you must be a preacher or a praise worship leader or a prayer night leader, or whatever, in order to serve God! Ephesians 4:11! Be a disciple in whatever context you are. Shine for God and stand by His values in every aspect of influence in which he has placed you. At work, at school, with your friends and families stand up and preach a good conduct, and lead a life that is a living testimony of God's might and power. I'm not telling you to start shouting "Jesus, Jesus" wherever you go, but I'm telling you walk your talk! If you talk about God being love, be a loving neighbour, brother, sister, mother, father, husband, wife, employee, boss, etc. Remember, Jean 13:35. Practice the moral righteousness, the compassion and kindness, the godliness that you preach!
Also, remember this: "Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit," says the Lord of Hosts. - Zachariah 4:6 (NKJV)

Rise and become the Lord's Chosen One!